Central unit to determine the temperature in the rooms we have, for example, found in the position (in%) are heads of individual valves PH-HD20, and what is in the actual room temperature. Notify us in the incoming battery in the devices or the failure of communication with some of the equipment set. (NEW VERSION 11.05)
Purchasing software PocketHome® can all settings (constant, programs) to create directly on the PC. Programming thus becomes very simple and quick. At the same time, you can monitor the current status of all elements and visually monitor the temperature setting in the color chart. All settings are played back to a central unit and the role of the PC is no longer needed. The PC is not included with the central unit!
Another possible control to the central unit is a GSM module GST1. Get a device that will allow us to remote control and control over the object. To prior to arrival at the cottage to enable heating? For the PocketHome is no problem.Modul PH-GST1 not included with the central unit!
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