Thanks to new technology of pressing is higher water-resistance (IP65)!
The spare transmitter (S.t.) is designed to be installed in all places where it is subject to the effects of bad weather( rain, dampness etc.).
The BCD designation determines the codes the button can be used for(encoded). The code is always placed at the back plate of the wireless bell receiver. If you already own a wireless doorbell(made in ELKTROBOCK), it is sufficient simply to encode your spare switch with the same code.
Power supply | 12 V alkal. L1028, 23 A |
Radio power | < 200 uW |
Digital coding | 64 |
Frequency | 433,92 MHz |
Protection | IP 65 |
Lifetime of batery | 1,5 roku |
Operating temperature | -20°C až +50°C |
Transmitter | |
Power supply | 12 V / L1028, 23A |
Vf power | 0,02 mW |
Frequency | 433, 92 MHz |
Protection | IP65 |
Battery life | 1.5 years |
Working temperature | -20 °C to 50 °C |
Firma ELEKTROBOCK MTF s.r.o. je řádně zapsána v Seznamu výrobců elektrozařízení na Ministerstvu životního prostředí a splňuje veškeré povinnosti zákona o odpadech.
© 2025 ELEKTROBOCK MTF s.r.o. | Internetový obchod dodává Via Aurea s.r.o.