


Thermostat with WiFi module

PT32 WiFi (version 12.01+) Order number: 642

Smart thermostat with WiFi control option. With EOB PT-WiFi application for smartphone it is possible to fully control your heating system not just via the internet.

3 933 Kč 3 250 Kč without VAT 1,68 bez DPH (RP není součástí ceny)

Description of product

Properties of the PT32 WiFi digital thermostat:

On 18 October a new version of firmware 13.06 was released with the optional NEW GEOLOCATION function, the applications are also updated.


Used to change the temperature depending on your location.
At the time when you are at home the thermostat maintains the temperature of the given program (in the AUTO mode) or constant temperature (in the MANU mode). As soon as you leave your home and cross the set radius, the thermostat will automatically switch to the energy-saving mode (moon). When returning home it reverts to the last set mode. This not just saves you money (on energy), but also your time.

PT32 WiFi is a smart room digital thermostat with an implemented WiFi module and indoor antenna. It is suitable for all boilers that require potential free (voltage free) switching contacts (e.g. Gas boilers, electric - boilers, circulating pumps, thermoelectric drives or air-conditioning units).


Application for Win10  FREE download from Windows store

Application for Android FREE download from Googleplay


Application for iOS  FREE download from App store

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The EOB PT-WiFi application allows:

  • WiFi settings - you do not have to have a public IP address, first operation, fast putting into operation
  • creating an account on the ELEKTROBOCK CZ server
  • settings of constant thermostat from a smartphone (Android, iOS) or computer (with Win10)
  • service mode
  • key lock with code
  • fast thermostat mode change (AUTO/MANU/OFF/Summer mode)
  • holiday settings from - to with constant temperature
  • temperature programs settings
  • adding users for a given thermostat and their management
  • optional control of several thermostats from one application
  • thermostat remote control from a PC from anywhere in the world

Ways of controlling the new PT32 WiFi (version 12.01+):

  1. Control via SERVER (from anywhere within range of an internet connection).
  2. Control within range of your router (household). If you have a public IP address, you can also control it outside the home network.
  3. Control within an apartment, where there is no WiFi connection. The thermostat creates its own WiFi hotspot (AP-access point).
  4. Control and settings of the thermostat via USB cable using a PC with Win10.
  5. Manual control, you always know what is happening and you can manually reset the thermostat.


Benefits of PT32 WiFi:

  • 9 weekly programs
  • 6 temperature changes per day
  • programming in 10 minute and 0.5°C increments
  • optional programming per day or Mon–Fri, Sat–Sun and Mon–Sun
  • large, clear backlit graphic display
  • intuitive navigation in the selected language (CZ/PL/EN/DE/RU/SVK)
  • optional settings of HYSTERESIS, PI control or PID control
  • early heating activation function
  • optional connection of an external sensor, e.g. for floor temperature monitoring
  • HEATING/COOLING mode selection
  • short-term desired temperature change
  • manual mode (MANU)
  • permanent deactivation (OFF)
  • HOLIDAY mode
  • summer mode
  • even/odd week selection
  • correction of current temperature
  • key lock
  • sum of boiler operating hours
  • boiler maintenance indicator
  • anti-freeze protection (3 °C)
  • TEST function
  • DAY/WINTER time change selection
  • service password
  • power supply 5 V/ DC, 2.5 A, AD05 type - Jack (is part of the package) or AD05-KU68 (can be additionally purchased)
  • output (potential free contact) max. 5 A / 250 V AC




Technical specification

Power supply universal / 5,0 V / 2.5 A, DC (AD05-Jack included)
Thermostat type with WiFi module (2.4-2.5 GHz)
Type of control hysteresis/PI control/PID control
Accuracy 0,5 °C
Dimensions (LxWxD) 136,5x83x28,5 mm
Protection IP20
Working temperature 0 °C to 40 °C
Switching element relay
Output 5 A
Backup battery Yes
Temperature changes per day 6
Range of adjustable temperature 3 °C to 39 °C
Temperature setting by 0, 5 °C
Min. programming time 10 min
Min. indication step 0, 1 °C

Downloads files

File name Size
pt32wifi_v1402_opr2024_cz_web.pdf 7.28 MB Download
pt32wifi_v1306_cz.indd.pdf 9.39 MB Download
geolokace.indd.pdf 1.64 MB Download
pos_pt32wifi_2019.pdf 30.05 kB Download


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