Thermostat PT30GST contains spatial thermostat PT30, GSM module (GST1), antenna, power supply and data-cable. Digital thermostat PT30 is extended to the possibility of long-distance communication over the GSM network. The advantage of this group is simple to use, possibility to connect an external antenna in low signal strength indication and ongoing functions using color LED. A two-way communication via SMS between the User and thermostat.
houses, recreational buildings, offices, apartments
Power supply | 2 x 1,5 V alkal. R6/AA |
Number of setting temp. | 6 for day |
Hysteresis | 0,1°C to 1,5°C |
Switching element | relay |
Min. program. time | 10 min. |
Temperature range | +2°C to +39°C |
Setting temperature | for 0,5°C |
Min.indicative leap | 0,1°C |
Accuracy of measure | ±0,5°C |
Protection | IP20 |
Output | max. 5 A |
Operating temperature | 0°C to +40°C |
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